The author was Ezra who wrote in the 5th century BC. It is a historical book within the Bible. The theme is the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Like the book of Ezra, he wrote the book of Nehemiah after the Assyrain invasion of Northern Israel in the 5th century. When the Persians defeated the Babylonian Empire, Cyrus, king of Persia started to grant permission to the children of Israel to return to Jerusalem and rebuild Jerusalem and temple. In the fist phase of the return, Zerubbabel took approximately 50,000 people back to start the reconstruction of the temple. the second phase Ezra followed with over 2,000 people.
Fourtenn years after Ezra returned to Jerusalem, Nehemiah heard from his brother and others and depressing report about Jerusalem. The reconstruction was delayed, morale was low, and the people fell victum to their neighbors. While Nehemiah heard of all the issues in Jerusalem, it grieved him greatly and he prayed to God. He wanted to facilitate the reconstruction of the wall of Jerusalem, which was critical for the protection of Jerusalem and to secure temple worship. Therefore, at the best time, since he was the cupbearer to the Persian King Artaxerxes, Nehemiah received permission from the king to help with the rebuilding efforts. God answered his prayer.
Whereas Ezra was a priest and a scribe who served as the spiritual reformist for the nation, Nehemiah was a businessman who understood how to get the job done. God used both a religious leader and a administrative leader to complete the reconstruction of Jerusalem. These two great men of God colaborated together in the reconstruction and were equally zealous in bringing to fruition spiritual reform amongst the people of Israel. The book of Nehemiah teaches us multiple practical insights concerning how to accomplish the work of the Lord. Nehemiah is also a type for the Holy Spirit. who comes alongside us to help.
536 BC - 50,000 returned from Babylon to Jerusalem.
536 BC - In the seventh month they built the altar and offered sacrifices.
535 BC - The work of the temple began and was delayed.
520 BC - The work began again by Haggai and Zechariah.
516 BC - The temple was completed.
478 BC - Esther became queen.
457 BC - Ezra left Babylon for Jerusalem.
444 BC - Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem.