Our supreme desire is know Jesus Christ and be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. But how do we do this? By having a personal relationship with Jesus, learning His Word, and applying it to our lives daily! We have gathered a great selection of resources to help you in your journey to knowing and better serving Jesus Christ more.  

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ--from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:11-16 NKJV

Online Resources

Free Bible study

Blue Letter Bible - https://www.blueletterbible.org/

Pastor Chuck Smith - http://www.pastorchuck.org/

The Word For Today App - https://subsplash.com/twft/app

Pastor Joe Focht Calvary Chapel Philadelphia - https://resources.ccphilly.org/teachinglibrary.asp

Enduring Word - David Guzik Bible Commentary - https://enduringword.com/

Pastor Jon Courson - Applegate Christian Fellowship - https://www.joncourson.com/teachings/

Pastor Skip Heitzig - http://skipheitzig.com/teachings.asp

Pastor Raul Ries - https://www.somebodylovesyou.com

Pastor Greg Laurie - https://harvest.org

Pastor David Rosales - https://www.calvaryccv.org

Pastor Jack Hibbs - https://calvarycch.org/

Pastor Damian Kyle - https://ccmodesto.com

Pastor Mike MacIntosh - https://mikemacintosh.net

Bible Study Resources (FEE BASED)

Logos Bible Software- https://www.logos.com/

Calvary Chapel Association



Calvary Chapel Pastors Audio Files


Books of the Bible


Chuck Smith (Founder of the Calvary Chapel Movement)

Blue Letter Bible - https://www.blueletterbible.org/audio_video/smith_chuck/


The Word For Today -https://shop.twft.com/

Pastor Chuck Smith on YouTube

Calvary Chapel Magazine https://calvarychapelmagazine.org/search?q=Chuck%20Smith

Free Chuck Smith Books (PDF):


Free or $.99 cents Chuck Smith Books(iBook or Kindle):


Formal Education/Bible College

Bible college affiliates list - https://calvarycca.org/bible-college/

Starting a Biblical Library - http://calvarycca.org/helps/starting-a-library/

Calvary Chapel University - https://calvarychapeluniversity.edu

Calvary Chapel Radio/Magazine

Grace FM Colorado (89.7 Denver to Cheyenne WY or 101.7 Colorado Springs)- https://gracefm.com/

Hope FM (Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland) Hope FM - https://hopefm.net/

Calvary Satillite Radio - https://csnradio.com/

The Bridge Radio - https://www.bridgeradio.org

Worship Life Radio - https://worshipliferadio.com

Calvary Chapel Magazine - https://www.calvarymagazine.org/

Bible School Radio - https://bibleschoolradio.org

Abuse, Addictions, PTSD, Military/First Responders, Mental/Physical Disibilites Resources

U-turn for Christ - https://www.uturnforchrist.com/

Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People - https://calvarynm.church/teachings/#/series/115

Mighty Oaks Foundation - https://www.mightyoaksprograms.org/

Victor Marx/All Things Possible Ministries - https://victormarx.com/

Centurion Law Enforcment Ministry - https://www.thecenturionlawenforcementministry.org

Front Sight Military Outreach - https://frontsightmo.org

Way Point ONE Ministry (past/present military or first responders) - https://waypointoneministry.org - https://www.youtube.com/@waypointoneministry4429

Joni and Friends - https://joniandfriends.org

Apologetics(Defending the Faith outside the Bible)

Charlie Campbell - Always Be Ready ministries - https://alwaysbeready.com/

Mike Winger/Bible Thinker - https://biblethinker.org

Samy Tanagho: Witnessing to Muslims - https://gladnewsministry.com

Bob Hoekstra - https://www.bobhoekstra.com


Calvary Church (Grow in your faith section) - https://calvaryco.church/grow

Answers in Genesis - https://answersingenesis.org/

Educating Our World with Don Stewart - http://www.educatingourworld.com/

Chuck Missler -https://store.khouse.org/collections/chuck-missler/chuck-missler


How we got the Bible:

Book study: https://store.khouse.org/products/how-we-got-our-bible-book

DVD Study: https://store.khouse.org/products/how-we-got-our-bible

Youtube versions:

Long version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZsZLDWWZMs

Short version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ju7r0m-Rz2I

Articles/PDF format: How we got the Bible:



Jay Seagert - https://www.thestartingpointproject.com/

Jason Lisle - https://biblicalscienceinstitute.com/

Master Books - https://www.masterbooks.com/

Institute Creation Research - https://www.icr.org/

Institute Creation Society - https://www.creationresearch.org/

Norman Geisler - https://normangeisler.com/

Frank Turek - https://crossexamined.org

Josh McDowell - https://www.josh.org

Sean McDowell - https://seanmcdowell.org

Bible Facts - Ken Johnson - http://biblefacts.org

J. Vernon McGee - https://www.ttb.org

Give Me An Answer - https://givemeananswer.org

Ministering and witnessing to the Homosexual/LGBTQ community:

Help 4 Families/Living Stones Ministries - https://www.help4families.org/

Out of Egypt Ministries - https://outofegyptministries.org/

Joe Dallas - https://joedallas.com/

Skip Heitzig - Jesus Loves People - https://calvarynm.church/teachings/#/series/115

Polemics (Defending the Bible within the Christian Faith/Defending against “Christian” cults and secular cults)

Answers to world religions and cults - https://alwaysbeready.com/

Witnessing and a Biblical response to Catholicism - https://alwaysbeready.com/roman-catholicism/

Witnessing to Seventh Day Advintists: A Calvary Chapel Phoenix outreach- https://exadventist.com/

Witnessing to Jehovah Witnesses - Charlie Campbell- https://alwaysbeready.com/jehovahs-witnesses/

The Kingdom of the Cults - Walter Martin

The Kingdom of the Occult - Walter Martin

Ron Rhodes has great resources on Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, Catholicism, and Masons and other christian cults, world religions, and secular cults such as “The 10 Things to ask…” series and “Reasoning from the Scriptures series.” - https://www.ronrhodes.org

Sharing the the truth and witnessing to both to Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses - https://www.4witness.org

Witnessing to world religions and cults - Calvary Church (Grow in your faith section) - https://calvaryco.church/grow

Cult Resources - https://www.blueletterbible.org/resources/cults.cfm

Witnessing to Mormons (The church of Latter Day Saints) - https://sourceflix.com/jerusalem-the-bible-and-the-book-of-mormon/

Unveiling Mormonism - https://unveilingmormonism.com/

Christianity Versus Mormonism - https://christvm.com

Witnessing to The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) - https://alwaysbeready.com/mormonism/

Witnessing to the Prosperity Gospel (Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise false doctrine)- http://www.americangospelfilm.com/

Christian cults, secular cults, world religions - https://www.watchman.org

Witnessing to Islam/Muslims - https://gladnewsministry.com

Pre-Tribulation/Pre-Millenial Rapture: A Biblical positon- https://www.pre-trib.org

Give Me An Answer - https://givemeananswer.org

Servant-Leader Resources

Servant Quarters - Gayle Erwin — http://servant.org/

Gayle Erwin - https://gayleerwin.com

A Servant's Heart • A Chosen Vessel — https://subsplash.com/twft/media/li/+6234z9x

Servant’s Class — https://calvaryco.church/view-all-messages?sapurl=LythZTVlL2xiL21zLytmcTdieTh0P2JyYW5kaW5nPXRydWUmZW1iZWQ9dHJ1ZSZyZWNlbnRSb3V0ZT1hcHAud2ViLWFwcC5saWJyYXJ5Lmxpc3QmcmVjZW50Um91dGVTbHVnPSUyQmE4ZmI1MDE=


One For Israel - https://www.oneforisrael.org/

Koinania Institute Topical studies on Israel - https://store.khouse.org/collections/topical-studies/israel

Behold Israel - https://beholdisrael.org/

Gihon Springs ministry - https://www.gihonsprings.com

The BaLaGaN connection - https://www.youtube.com/@thebalaganconnection

For the women

Kay Smith’s teachings

Joyful Life - https://subsplash.com/twft/media/li/+zb6njj8

Pleasing God - https://subsplash.com/twft/media/li/+jpdtxjd

Calvary Chapel Association Pastor’s Wives: https://calvarycca.org/pastors-wives/

Youth/Young adults Resources:

The Whosoevers: https://thewhosoevers.com

Free Online Christian TV Streaming Network


Premium/Luxury Bibles:


Bible Rebinding:

Coming soon…



Discipleship Books

Reading literature by sound teachers is a wonderful way to deepen your relationship with the Lord. The full list can be downloaded here.