There was a dynamic church in Thessalonica which Paul founded while travelling on his second missionary journey with Silas, Timothy, and Luke. Paul only stayed in Thessalonica for three weeks and taught them three consecutive Saturdays according to Acts 17. He moved on because of being chased out of town by the religious people, yet left a young and healthy church.
Paul traveled to Bera next, then Athens and Corinth. Surprisingly, while in Corinth, he was told about how things were going in Thessalonica, in addition to some questions the church had concerning some of his doctrines. Paul wrote this letter to answer these questions and correct thier misunderstandingings. It may have been one of the first letters he wrote, approximately 52 AD. 1 Thessalonians has profound teachings on the nature of the Gospel, methods of ministry, philosophy of ministry, and the life of the beleiver. It’s most distinctive trait is the comprehensive teachings concerning the End Times and the Rapture of the Church.
Paul clearly taught the Thessalonians that the return of Christ can occur immeniately. Since there was some time which past and some of thier members died, the Thessaolinas feared that those who died would miss the Rapture of the Church. In 1 Thessalonians 4:18 and 5:11, Paul compassinantely assured them this was not true, tellinging them of those who had alreadly died wouldn’t miss anything. He already comforted them with the teaching of the Rapture, which would deliver us “from the wrath to come,” and additionally he wanted to verify that those who died before the Rapture would equally be blessed. They would immediately go to be with the Lord, later meeting up with us in the air.
One of the compelling truths of this book is the in depth teaching which Paul simply communicated in those first three weeks of the church’s existence. Today, some people believe the teaching of Escatology(the teaching and study of Prophecy, the Last Days, and End Times) is too intimidating or too advanced and complex even for the mature Christians, and choose to negelct the teaching in the Bible. Yet, Paul unashamedly and includes and clearly teaches Eschatolgy to these new believers, and they welcomed it with excitement. Why? Because it gives monumental comfort for anyone who is suffering, and vigerous motivation to live our lives with the right Biblical priorities.