In 2 Corinthians Paul defends himself against false accusations. Sometimes one has to protect innocent sheep by defending yourself. Paul did exactly that. Paul wrote 1 COrinthians as a corrective letter to the multiple problems within the the church in Corinth. He wrote this letter from Ephesus. “If the Lord permits” Paul told them of his desire to visit Corinth in the near future(1 Cor 16:5-7). Persecution came to Ephesus causing Paul to leave abruptly. He hoped to meet Titus while he was in Troas, and hear the progress in Corinth. He was anxious to hear how his first letter was received. Titus didn’t make it to Troas, so Paul headed to Phillipi, and met Titus there. Titus told Paul everything which was happening in the church in Corinth., and wrote the second letter about a year later in 57 A.D.

We see Paul’s heart more in this letter. He is more encouraging to the Corinthians.. He was encouraged and encourages them for their positive course correction and response to his first letter. Yet, there was division still lingering and growing within the church. A group of false teachers began to rise up in Corinth, and attacked Paul’s authority and ministry. They accused him of being a deceptive con artist and liar. They accused him of being a false apostle and false teacher. In 2 Corinthians, Paul defends his calling and his character, while teaching correct theology and doctrine to the Corinthians. There is much to learn and apply practically in our lives from 2 Corinthians.