First Kings ends with God dealing with the northern kingdom under the reign of the wickedness of Ahab, and Jezebel, his wife. Jezebel introduced idolatry and the worship of Baal and Ashtoreth into Israel which dragged them down into the grave of spiritual and moral depravity. Israel began to fall into spiritual apostasy.

Second Kings continues the record of first Kings and the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. It records the various kings in both the northern kingdom southern kingdom and their reigns in God’s perspective, and if they followed God and followed the ways of David who set the example of a righteous king over the nation of Israel.

Second Kings records the blessings which come by following and serving God. The trials occur when one rejects and disobeys God. Second Kings is the story of God’s people rejecting Him and turn their back on Him. As a result, they are carried off into captivity. God will use various prophets throughout this time in history. We will meet the prophet Elisha. Elisha warns the people of the consequences of of their wrong choices to sin. The prophets also manifest the message of God’s faithfulness and long suffering toward Israel which in the end redeems and restores the Israelites in the future.