The author is unknown. It was written in the 5th century BC. It is a historical book in the Bible. The theme is God’s preservation of His people.
The events in the book of Esther cover an approximate twelve year timeframe in Jewish history in the middle of the fifth century BC. It sets the historical foundation for the Feast of Purim. The author is unknown, but a possibility is it was Mordecai, one of the main characters within the book.
At this time, the king of Persia gave the Jewish people permission to return to Jerusalem under the leadership of Zerubbabel, Ezra, and Nehemiah to rebuild the temple and the city walls. Unfortunately, less than 60,000 people returned. The remaining children of Israel were content to stay in the land of their captivity, in Babylon and Persia. The story of Esther gives us insight into what was occurring among the Jews who refused to return to Jerusalem.
The book of Esther is one of only two books in the Bible named after a woman, Ruth is the other. Another interesting feature of this book is the name of God is never directly mentioned, nor is worship, prayer and other Biblical words one would expect. Also this book is never alluded to in the New Testament.
This was during the time when the people rejected God’s commandments, and the results were, they didn’t sense His Presence nor hear His voice. But God’s presence was there and active. God’s hand was still at work behind the scenes preserving His people, regardless of their neglect and unfaithfulness to Him.
The book of Esther shows how close the Jewish people were to becoming completely eradicated. Seeing how God miraculously used Esther, a young Jewish woman, to save them from extinction. And although God’s name is not directly mentioned, He is clearly seen actively working behind the scenes in various ways providing and protecting for His people. This is a true and great story of God’s sovereignty and providence.
God’s purposes are intriguing. He is always working, preparing for the future. Our problem is that don’t know what is in the future. Therefore, we don’t understand what God is doing. Sometimes we see our current situation, and are quick to accuse God and assume He doesn’t love us or care about us. Yet in the end, we realize God is always faithful.
The life and story of Esther is a wonderful reminder of this truth, and gives a graphic illustration of God always taking care of His people.