Ezra is the author. This book was written in the fifth century BC. It is among the historical books of the Bible. The theme is “Return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple”. In the Hebrew Bible, the books of Ezra and Nehemiah are one book, and were written by Ezra the priest. In addition, Jewish tradition says Ezra wrote the books of Chronicles. Ezra was an eyewitness to many of these events and a main character.

During the fifth century BC, the northern tribes of Israel were taken captive by Assyria. The Assyrians repopulated the area in the north and intermarried with the children of Israel, resulting in the Samaritan people. At the same time, Babylon conquered the southern kingdom of Judah, and carried most of the Jewish people away into Babylonian captivity. Most of the region of Judah became desolate, and laid wait for seventy years.

While the children of Israel were in captivity, the Persians conquered the Babylonian Empire, and they allowed the Israelites to return to Israel and rebuild Jerusalem and the temple. In the first phase of returning, Zerubbabel took approximately 50,000 people to start the reconstruction of the temple. Later, Ezra followed with about 2,000. Nehemiah arrived later to assist reconstructing the walls of Jerusalem.

The book of Ezra starts with the declaration by Cyrus, the king of Persia, granting permission to the Jews to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their temple. This started the clock ticking for the exact date of the first coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, as Daniel prophesied in Daniel 9:25.

The first six chapters record the efforts of Zerubbabel and everyone who worked on the reconstruction project, and the problems they endured. By chapter seven through ten chronicle Ezra’s involvement as he came to encourage the people, leading them into spiritual reform. Not only was Ezra focused on finishing the reconstruction the temple and Jerusalem, he had compassion on the spiritual condition of the people. He realized that Israel’s rejection of God’s Law was the reason for their captivity in the first place.

Ezra is a important writer, and an amazing leader who followed God’s Word. He encouraged others to obey it. May the book of Ezra inspire us to do the same.