"The opened heart of one woman in a city is a foothold for God, and if her heart be wholly yielded to Him, from that vantage ground, He can proceed to wonderful victories."
- G.C. Morgan
Glorifying God by growing spiritually strong women through Bible studies, fellowship, and servanthood opportunities. Our desire in Women’s Ministry is to provide a place where women can grow closer to the Lord and to one another.
Current Bible Studies
We are currently going through the study book The Believer Plugged In (available at the book store).
The lessons in this book are designed to help you understand the foundation of your Christian faith, which is based on what God tells us in His Word - the Bible. It is our hope that through this study you will gain a deeper understanding of the foundations of your faith and allow you to continue to grow in the Lord.
Our women's study is open to Women High School Age and Older. Due to the nature of some of the topics we discuss, some studies won't be appropriate for little ears. We are sorry but there is no childcare offered at this time.